Board of Directors
According to Talenom’s Articles of Association, the Board of Directors may consist of at least four (4) and at most eight (8) regular members. The term of the Board of Directors ends at the close of the next Annual General Meeting after the election. The General Meeting decides on the members and their number. The Board of Directors elects a Chairman from amongst its members for a term of one year. The term of office for the Board of Directors shall expire at the close of the next Annual General Meeting following their election.
Talenom’s Board of Directors is responsible for the company’s governance and proper organisation of operations. The Board of Directors has general competence to decide on all matters that are not reserved for the General Meeting of Shareholders or the CEO by law or the Articles of Association.
The Board of Directors convenes as often as necessary to fulfil its obligations. The Board of Directors has a quorum when more than half of its members are present. The Board of Directors is elected by the Annual General Meeting.
The Board of Directors decides on the company’s strategic policies, confirms the company’s business plan and budget, handling and approving the half-year report, financial statement and annual report. The Board of Directors also ensures that the company has set internal control and a risk management and disclosure policy, and that the company operates in the manner it has specified. In addition, the Board of Directors decides on strategically or financially significant investments, acquisitions and contingent liabilities, approves the company’s financial policy and decides on the remuneration and incentive scheme.
The Board of Directors decides on the company’s dividend policy, development of shareholder value, appoints the CEO, and decides on the remuneration to be paid to the CEO and other terms and conditions of the CEO’s contract and also appoints the Deputy CEO for the company.
The Board of Directors also monitors and oversees the Group’s financial reporting process and efficiency of risk management systems and is responsible for all other tasks prescribed to the Board in the Limited Liability Companies Act or elsewhere.
The Board of Directors can establish committees if the scope of Talenom’s business or efficient handling of the Board of Directors’ tasks so requires. The Board of Directors has not established any committees.
M.SC. (Econ.)
Chairman of the Board since 2017 and
Board member since 1998
Finnish citizen
Harri Tahkola worked at Talenom in many different positions between 1994 and 2016, most recently as Talenom’s CEO from 2003 to 2016.
Pitomaalaus Oy, Chairman of the Board since 2020 Oy, Chairman of the Board since 2020
Omago Oy, Chairman of the Board since 2017
Hacap Oy, Chairman of the Board since 2016
Ducap Oy, Chairman of the Board since 2011
Tukkunet Oy, Chairman of the Board since 2010
A-perustus Oy, member of the Board since 2022
Toivo Group Oyj, member of the Board since 2021
Virta Kasvusijoitus Oy, member of the Board since 2021
Clara Nordic Oy, member of the Board since 2021
Alfa Finance Oy, member of the Board since 2014
Citinvest, member of the Board since 2010
Harri Tahkola is not independent of the company based on an overall assessment (more than 10 years on the Board of Directors). In addition, he is not considered to be independent of significant shareholders, as he owns more than 10% of the shares in the company.
Board member since 2016 and in 2004-2015
Finnish citizen
Mikko Siuruainen has worked as the CEO of Alfa Finance Oy since 2014 and the CEO of Citinvest Oy since 2010. Mikko Siuruainen worked for Talenom Plc in 2000–2016 in many roles, including Corporate Advisor, Consulting Manager, Unit Director, Head of the company’s Oulu office and Vice President (2006–2016). He also worked at Fortum Plc as a Financial Planner from 1999 to 2000.
Virta kasvusijoitus II Oy, Chairman of the Board since 2023
Virta kasvusijoitus Oy, Chairman of the Board since 2021
Clara Nordic Oy, Chairman of the Board since 2021
Virta Growth Partners, member of the Board since 2019
Suuntakivi Oy, member of the Board since 2016
Mikko Siuruainen is independent of the company and its significant shareholders.
M.SC. (Econ.)
Board member since 2017
Finnish citizen
Johannes Karjula has been the CEO of Trustmary Group Oy, which he founded, since 2016, CEO of Trustmary Finland Oy
since 2019, and Senior Vice President at Sesonkia Oy since 2015. In addition, Johannes Karjula was the CEO of LeadFlow Oy from 2014 to 2016 and a private entrepreneur from 2010 to 2015.
Johannes Karjula is independent of the company and its significant shareholders.
M.Sc. Econ., CFA
Board member since 2021
Finnish citizen
Elina Tourunen has been Chief Investment Officer in eQ Asset Management Ltd’s Private Equity team since 2020. From 2015 to 2020, she worked for the European Investment Fund (EIF) in Luxembourg as a Senior Portfolio Manager in the Private Equity team. She has previously been Head of Private Equity and Debt at Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company, before which she worked as a manager in Ernst & Young’s Transaction team.
Elina Tourunen is independent of the company and its significant shareholders.
Graduate in Business Studies
Board member since 2023
Finnish citizen
Erik Tahkola has worked as the CEO of Ducap Oy since 2019 and as the CEO of Omago Oy since spring 2022. Erik Tahkola has also worked at Talenom in many different tasks in 2011- 2020, e.g., in sales invoicing and payroll.
Erik Tahkola is considered independent of the company, but he is not considered independent of its significant shareholders.
Board member since 2025
Finnish citizen
Saara Kauppila has been part of the Eficode Group management team since 2019, first as CFO and now as Chief Strategy Officer. Previously, she has held various investment positions in listed private equity companies, such as CapMan Plc, Norvestia Plc and Sievi Capital Plc.
Saara Kauppila is independent of the company and its significant shareholders.
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